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Big Data and the Rise of the Machines

Traders Magazine Online News, August 8, 2017

John D'Antona Jr.

Almost everyone agrees that technology, data and machine-learning are going to have a huge impact on the investment and financial world – just as they will in pretty much every area of social and economic activity. But what is far less clear is exactly how, when and where that impact will have the most transformative and revolutionary effect.

In this special report, HFM and Philip Moore looks at the opportunities, challenges and threats created by the explosion of Big Data and the rise of the machines; at the areas where this could bring the biggest changes, both positive and negative, for hedge funds and their investors; at the potential for expansion, and also the limitations, in the use and application of exponentially growing datasets; and at the race to develop ways of being able to separate out the signals of valuable information from the immense and ever-increasing mass of noise.

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