Thursday, May 16, 2024

Morgan Stanley Seeks One-Upmanship with New Algo

Morgan Stanley Seeks One-Upmanship with New Algo
Traders can't yet be cloned, but Morgan Stanley is hoping to move a step in that direction with One, a customizable algorithm for clients that can be used to replicate how a particular trader actually trades a stock.

Smart Gets Smarter

Smart Gets Smarter
Smart order routing, a technology that debuted in the Nasdaq market in the late 1990s, is being overhauled and revved up for the Regulation NMS era. Brokerage firms are spending millions of dollars and countless man-hours to update a tried-and-true workhorse of automated trading for a more complex and data-intensive trading environment.

More Wall Street Firms Get Less Love

More Wall Street Firms Get Less Love
Fewer brokerage firms on Wall Street are feeling the buyside's love these days in the form of trading commissions. More than half of the buyside firms using client commission arrangements, or CCAs, to pay for research have made deep cuts in their brokerage lists, according to a Traders Magazine survey.

Leverage is Good

Leverage is Good
Despite the leveraging power and greater returns it potentially provides, portfolio margining has exited the gate at a trot, although Wall Street pros anticipate its pace will build to a steady gallop before long. Portfolio margining represents the biggest change to margin rules since the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, many say.

Equities Continue on Rampage

Equities Continue on Rampage
Equities trading revenues in 2006 grew sharply for the second year in a row at the top firms. The 11 major investment banks took in about $53 billion, an increase of 37.5 percent over the previous year. The group dominates trading of cash equities and equities derivatives globally and reaps the lion's share of the revenues.

A Pioneer Remembered

A Pioneer Remembered
In February 1971, the workaday lives of hundreds of over-the-counter market makers were permanently transformed. That was when the National Association of Securities Dealers started requiring dealers to publish their quotes on a brand-new computer system continuously throughout the day.

Risky Business

Risky Business
Pension funds realize firing a money manager or a group of them can be expensive. They know there are plenty of trading costs and operational risks that accompany the implementation of new investment strategies, moving assets between investment managers. But no pension fund likes to get taken for a ride and overpay. Yet that is exactly what some pension funds feel has been happening-and some transition management pros agree. "We believe in our firm that the transition management community has not provided the solutions for plan sponsors," says Hari Achuthan, head of strategy and sales for transition management at Credit Suisse.

Don’t Expect Big Changes For Block Trading Come July

Don’t Expect Big Changes For Block Trading Come July

Block trading won't change much under Reg NMS.

Block trading won't change much under Reg NMS.

Sweep Orders Debut

Sweep Orders Debut

Sweep Orders Debut

Sweep Orders Debut

Traders Cheer Section 31 Cut

Traders Cheer Section 31 Cut
Trading costs just dropped a bit. Section 31 fees have been cut by the regulators some 50 percent, falling to $30.70 per $1 million of transactions on exchanges and OTC business.



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