Traders On The Move: Who was Hired and Promoted in June 2015

Who are the new faces and job title inside BTIG, Deutsche Bank, Canter Fitzgerald, and the Financial Services Roundtable?

June saw warmer temps and a burst of promotions and new hires in the capital markets. We saw new faces and new job titles inside such major firms asBTIG, Deutsche Bank, Canter Fitzgerald, and the Financial Services Roundtable.

Traders is proud to present our On The Move – June2015 gallery. This is a sample ofnotable people news found in our print magazine’s On The Move section.Enjoy.

To view our other slideshows – such as our exclusive tour of the IEX trading floor, BTIG celebrity charity dayor theSIFMA Equity Market Structure Conference– we invite you to visit ourTraders Gallery.

Have you started a new job, announced your retirement or moved on to a new post? Has that long awaited job promotion arrived? Share the news withTradersby contacting managing editor John D’Antona Jr. at Or you can contact me at

And congratulations!