Monday, June 17, 2024

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Sweetening the Pot

Sweetening the Pot

...Matt Hougan, editor of IndexUniverse.com, which provides independent ETF and index funds analysis. “I did hear a lot of push-back from specialist firms.” For its part, the Amex is the...
Thrills and Chills

Thrills and Chills

...at a staggering 51.9 percent-the highest since 1938, when 57 percent of the days saw significant index moves. By comparison, the number of significant daily index changes for 2006 was...
Volatility Dictates New Algo Trading Strategies, Report Says

Volatility Dictates New Algo Trading Strategies, Report Says

...financial issues.Volatility, as measured by the Chicago Board Options Exchange’s VIX index, has surged since August 2007. It jumped from about 15 to 30 in August and has stayed in...
Handing Over the Keys

Handing Over the Keys

...Derivatives, the renamed RedSky entity. Many of ITG’s traditional customers, which trade index futures as part of transitions or to put cash to work immediately, are now eyeing options. RedSky’s...
Knowing Me, Knowing You

Knowing Me, Knowing You

...by the day’s end. In an environment where the Chicago Board Options Exchange’s Volatility Index (VIX) hovers around 30 and quick decisions mean everything, both sides say it’s helpful if...
Denver STA 29th Annual Convention December 2-5

Denver STA 29th Annual Convention December 2-5

1 of 3 Steve, Erik, Kristen and Elena Hughes, STRIKE Technologies, New York For More of Denver 1999 visit http://www.tradersmagazine.com/photos/1999.html Steve Starker, Lisa Kelly, both BTIG, Jeff Kaplan, Deerfield Partners,...
On The Move

On The Move

...subject. Early in his career, he participated in the design of the first index funds at Wells Fargo Bank. Wagner will continue to consult and to serve on various boards,...
On The Move

On The Move

...equities, foreign exchange, ETFs and index futures. West is based in London and reports to Daemon Bear, head of trading. Philip Adesso joined Dow Jones & Co. as a salesman...
2007 Review: MiFID Spurs Competition in Europe

2007 Review: MiFID Spurs Competition in Europe

...most liquid stocks, adding the component stocks of the benchmark index in one country after another. Chi-X’s monthly turnover in October was 14 billion euros, up 27 percent over September’s...
Liquidnet Beckons Program Traders

Liquidnet Beckons Program Traders

...executions in the public markets. These algos are called “Supernaturals.” Liquidnet has 350 members in the U.S., including 80 that are quantitative and 15 that focus on index-related trading. The...


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