Data Assets Strategy and Int-Data

Objectifying the entire investment decision-making process.

Celenthas recently published a new report titledData Assets & Internal Alpha.The report was written by John Dwyer, aSenior Analystwith Celents Securities & Investments practice.

In the report, Celent looks at the powerful combination of data and costs will trigger an interrogation of front-office processes in a manner never previously experienced.

The report answers the following questions:

  1. What is meant by Int-Data and internal alpha?
  2. What are the implications of Int-Data?
  3. What other factors will drive the Data Asset strategies of FIs?

Key findings include:

  • The exponential growth of data and its regulation will have enormous impacts on the traditional investment spectrum of index vs. active as technology permeates every aspect of the investment decision-making process.
  • Optimizing data assets will define the winners and losers in terms of cost pressures from index/smart beta funds and mitigating the commercial impacts of MiFID II.
  • The roll-out of 5G networks, GDPR, the continued growth of digital assets, and Decentralization are key themes which will impact financial institutions in the year ahead.

To view the full report, please click here