Women in Finance Awards Q&A: Devi Shanmugham, Tradeweb

Devi Shanmugham, Managing Director, Global Head of Compliance, Tradeweb won Excellence in Compliance at Markets Media Group’s 2022 Women in Finance (U.S.) Awards.

Devi Shanmugham

What was your reaction to winning the award?

Pleasantly surprised, flattered and grateful for the opportunities I have been afforded at Tradeweb. Recognition is not something we may actively think about as we go about our day, trying to meet the various challenges and requests that come our way, so it is nice to take a moment to recognize how far we have come!

How do you measure success?

Success is consistently striving to achieve the goals you have set out each day. I try to set goals that make me push myself, and work as hard as I can to complete those goals. Over the years, I have learned to be kinder to myself, understanding that even with the best of intentions priorities can change. I now realize that adjustments can be made and goals can be redesigned, perhaps ultimately even leading to a more desirable outcome. I consider going through that entire journey a success.

Devi Shanmugham’s acceptance speech at Markets Media Group’s 2022 Women in Finance (U.S.) Awards.

How would you describe your work/management ‘style’?

I am highly collaborative. By instilling confidence in my team, they in turn exude confidence when managing highly complex and challenging issues. I encourage our team to share their thoughts, ideas, suggestions and potential solutions in order to help each other and the company grow. I strongly believe that by seeking out ideas, you can arrive at better solutions and achieve greater results.

What’s your typical day at work? 

Our team moves quickly across a wide range of challenging yet extremely interesting issues. No day is ever the same and we consistently try to balance the need of pushing a strategic initiative forward while managing issues in real time and mitigating risk. While I rely on core skills gleaned over the years, I am also highly receptive to collaborative innovation and viewing problems from multiple angles to achieve the best solution.

Who have been the main influences in your career?

I draw the greatest inspiration from my parents, first generation Indian immigrants who initially struggled to find their footing in their respective fields, but through hard work and perseverance contributed greatly to their communities and the greater good. I remind my children every day that the opportunities they have today are due to the trailblazing sacrifices their grandparents made; their work ethic is the benchmark I use to measure my own.

What’s something you’re really proud of and why?

I’m proud of how we’ve expanded our team, as well as our capabilities, expertise and industry knowledge, while emphasizing the importance of staying nimble so we can continue to meet various challenges proactively and efficiently.