BlockCross Alerts Buyside to Research

Pulse Trading now provides buyside traders with an alert on their BlockCross trading blotters when new research is available on a stock they’re looking to trade.

Institutional traders who activate the Research Connection feature on their BlockCross block-trading platform will see an icon indicating there is recent research available on a stock.

According to Kevin Carroll, managing partner at Pulse Trading, this notification gives the buyside an opportunity to analyze the most recent research on the stock before executing a block trade. It also gives the research firms an opportunity to get new clients.

"Traders see a research note indication as they are preparing to execute a block of stock," Carroll said. "It may behoove them to make a quick call prior to trading."

Pulse receives the full research report electronically from each provider and puts it on its blotter with an indication associated with the company’s ticker. The BlockCross system pulls the information for display as the traders load orders. Traders only see research note indications on names they have loaded into BlockCross, and the providers have no idea what names the traders are active in.

Pulse Trading offers research from smaller independent research firms such as Alembic Global and Thompson Research.


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