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The Future of Artificial Intelligence Is Here in the Form of AI Chips

Traders Magazine Online News, July 13, 2018

Swamini Kulkarni

While people are wondering about what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) is, it is already here. From the smart home thermostats that analyze the historic weather trends to the shopping applications that recommend best suitable clothing option by monitoring the purchase history, every smart application consists of next-generation AI chip. And people use it without realizing the potential of it. However, the advancements and improvements in AI chips done by tech giants such as Microsoft and Facebook are changing the course of the future artificial intelligence applications.

Microsoft Is Paving the Way

Similar to Google, Microsoft is following the trend of Google to develop a better AI chip. The company is currently working on several platforms to complement its AI technology. It has deployed customizable chips in its servers for Azure, the cloud computing service created by Microsoft. At the end of March, Microsoft declared job openings for candidates that can work on the development of AI chips. Moreover, Microsoft made clear that it is ready to spend money to have full-featured cloud as it has to compete with Google and Amazon. Google is already developing third-generation AI chips, becoming an early industry to take lead on AI chip market. The competition of such tech giants has boosted the AI chip market. According to Allied Market Research, the market is growing at a CAGR of 49.6% in the period of 2017–2023.

Facebook, Intel, And Other Small Startups Entering the AI Chips Market

Apart from Google and Microsoft, there are other companies that have shown interest in developing AI chips. Recently, Facebook and Intel have joined forces to develop new generation AI chip. With so much hype going on regarding the development of AI chips and its potential in future, Intel plans to develop their own semiconductor technology tailored for tasks including AI and deep learning. Apart from the big fishes of the information technology sector, small companies and startups are developing the AI chips. A China-based startup, Unicorn, has raised $100 million from investors to offer several enhancements and improvements to the traditional semiconductor market. The startup’s chips have higher integration density and work wonders in smartphones and laptops. However, Unicorn is planning to develop AI chips for tailored to specific systems and application. This approach is regarded as the key to unlocking the true potential of AI in the coming future.

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