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E*Trade Adds Risk Management Slide Tool

Traders Magazine Online News, June 28, 2018

John D'Antona Jr.

E*TRADE Financial Corporation announced an addition to its suite of trading tools the Risk Slide Tool.

With the new Risk Slide tool on the OptionsHouse platform, traders have the ability to:  

  • Visualize how market events or changes in volatility could impact positions in their portfolio. 
  • Think strategically about much they stand to lose or gain should the market move in a certain direction.
  • Beta-weight to the S&P 500® Index and see P&L results.
  • View potential P&L numerically and graphically. 
  • Sort positions by largest or lowest risk levels.
  • Expand symbols to reveal risk details on individual positions.
  • Group a selection of positions to understand how they may react to changing market conditions. 

“Identifying risk can be an overlooked aspect of managing a portfolio,” said Christopher Larkin, Senior Vice President of Trading Product at E*TRADE Financial. “With this launch, we aim to make risk management simpler by arming traders with the ability to visualize potential pockets of risk and stress test their portfolio through hypothetical market conditions. In this way, traders can now develop a more dynamic and easy-to-understand view of their portfolio and potential performance in various market conditions.” 

E*TRADE aims to enhance the financial independence of traders and investors through a powerful digital offering and professional guidance. To learn more about E*TRADE’s trading and investing platforms and tools, visit

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